Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Caveman Regimen- Day 1

So these are some pics I took this morning-me, just me, and nothin but me. No makeup, and I only washed my face in the morning, no moisturiser or anything afterwards. Trust me though, I look better in the picture somehow then I do in real life. And the scars beside my mouth are hidden behind those weird smile lines that have never happened to me before this day, and I do have a pimple in that space below my lip where my chin gets started, hard to see though, and a fleshy one above my eyebrow. The flash also seems to have erased any sign of my undereye circles, but they are there I promise you. The second picture shows some of my hyper-pigmentation better. All in all, not too shabby, but this could be called a good day, it has been A LOT worse, and could potentially become that bad again at any time. I'll post more pics as things move along, probably around two weeks in, or sooner if anything dramatic happens.
So just to recap what I put in my earlier post, so far I experienced some tightness after the final wash in my usual dry areas such as around my nose and chin. But the tightness has actually mostly gone away as the day has progressed. So far so good.


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